
Art and craft, free play with large and small toys, stories, and outdoor play weather permitting.
All sessions end with a Bible story or time of celebration.

What we do

The Ark Baby and Toddler sessions run every Tuesday in school term time in Christ Church

Activities: Art and craft, free play with large and small toys, stories. All sessions end with a Bible story or time of celebration.

Refreshments: A selection of teas, coffee, juice, biscuits, cake and fruit are available.

Facilities: Toilets with nappy changing facilities available in Mount Pleasant Centre. 

Cost: Free but donations are always welcome to cover the cost of the refreshments.

Membership: Open to babies and toddlers aged 0 to 3 years, their parents/carers, and pre-school siblings; completed membership forms will be treated as confidential and will only be used to communicate events and in the case of emergency.

Register: Is taken at every session, to include the name of parent/carer, name(s) and age(s) of child(ren), and contact details in case of emergency.